The War Game (1965)

Genre : Drama, Sci-fi, Documentary

Runtime : 2hr 1min

Release Date : 1965

IMDb Score : 8/10

Details : In this British documentary, a hypothetical Chinese invasion of South Vietnam triggers a new world war between East and West. In the town of Rochester, Kent, the anticipation of a nuclear attack leads to mass evacuations. When a stray missile actually explodes, the ensuing firestorm blinds all those who see it. It's not long before the fabric of society is ripped apart owing to radiation poisoning, a lack of infrastructure and rioting for food and other necessities.


Blood Moon (1990) VHS Exclusive

BLOOD MOON (1990) Genre : Horror, Slasher Runtime : 1hr 40mins Release Date : 1990 IMDb Score : 4.6/10 Details :  An unseen killer stalks te...